Friday, November 12, 2010

The GOOD News and the Bad

What a great time of the year to count our blessings and realize that the everyday crisis is not without its perks.

The bad news is I got my laptop screen smashed by an orthodontist chair a few weeks ago...The GOOD news is I'm slowly getting it fixed for less money than anticipated, was aided financially by a very kind orthodontist to do so, and was able to retrieve the class notes, papers, and pictures I needed off the hard drive that is supposedly dying.

The bad news is Brad got beat up by a small Asian boy in basketball class and hurt his knee...the GOOD news is we get to drive the car to campus now.

The bad news is I have a cold...the GOOD news is I have a great excuse not to exercise.

The bad news is I'm hungry and we need to go shopping...The GOOD news is it's almost Thanksgiving, and I'll have plenty of room for Turkey!